Believe it or not but the following 24 hours are just as important as the treatment itself. There are a few ways you can optimise your treatment…

Put Your Feet Up!

Take this opportunity to indulge in some (well-deserved) rest and relaxation. Allow your body some time to react to the treatment and help to restore your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Nothing Too Strenuous Please!

While light exercise, walking and yoga is not an issue, please try to avoid any high intensity exercise, gym workouts or physically demanding tasks immediately after the treatment.

Stay Hydrated!

There is a chance that your treatment has dredged up some toxins and metabolic waste, especially following a cupping treatment. It is important to have plenty of water to help flush these from the body.

Put Down The Coffee & Wine!

Alcohol and caffeine are both diuretics that may hamper your efforts to stay hydrated. Both also have an effect on our nervous system and may influence or impair the effects of the treatment.

Avoid The Cold!

Cold in the body impairs the movement of Qi & Blood leading to stagnation and pain. Following acupuncture/cupping the body’s pores are open and more susceptible to invasion by cold. It’s important you dress warmly over the cooler months and avoid any cold showers or swimming pools for a few hours.

Monitor Your Reaction!

Are you feeling tired or more energetic? Are you feeling calmer or more agitated? People react differently to an acupuncture treatment and it’s important you take time to check in and connect with yourself on both a physical and emotional level.

Don’t Worry, It Looks Worse Than It Is!

Cupping commonly results in marks at the area of application that look similar to a bruise. They can range in colour from a pale red to a dark purple depending on the level of stagnation or retained toxins. These marks will fade significantly within 2-3 days but may last up to 7 days. The marks will resolve more quickly if you stay hydrated.
