How are you feeling right now?

Patients at the moment are coming to me describing a roller-coaster of emotions; feelings of stress, anxiety and apathy are common.

And when we experience ‘negative’ emotions other parts of our health also begin to suffer like our sleep, digestion and energy levels.

Discussions around mental health have been more prevalent in the media during Australia’s lockdowns, but the reality is that most people don’t know how to incorporate mental and emotional self-care into their daily life.

Schedule It In!

Look I get it, you’ve only managed to take your first sip of coffee in the morning before your work phone rings or the kids get into the first (of many) arguments of the day.

A lot of people struggle with finding time to engage in self-care, so it is vital that you make time for it by including it as part of your daily routine/schedule (even if it’s for 10 minutes during your lunch break)

…But Don’t Make It An Obligation!

Self-care is meant to be something that that makes you feel good. If you begin to feel like an activity is something you should do rather than want to do then it is time to reconsider.

Find What Is Relaxing For You!

People vary considerably in what they find relaxing so it’s important to find an activity that helps you unwind. This might involve going for a brisk walk, sitting down with a good book or taking a long, hot bath.

Phone A Friend…

Talking with friend, family and loved ones can help us feel connected and supported.  This is particularly important at the moment given the significant impact COVID19  has had on our social lives and interactions.

…Or Cut The Cord!

Social media, the 24 hour news cycle or checking your work emails at 1am can lead to increased stress and anxiety. If you are feeling overwhelmed it might be time for a technology detox!

Don’t Feel Guilty!

Feelings of guilt are not uncommon when starting a self-care routine; that somehow by practicing self-care we are being selfish or neglecting others. It is important to remember that we cannot look after others well without first looking after ourselves.

Get Some Acupuncture!

Okay, so I might be biased here, but acupuncture is a fantastic way to take some time out to look after yourself.
